Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

menstrual cycle

my period is coming every two weeks. whaton earth could cause that? if you had a normal period and now have lightspotting, it could be due to an embryo implanting. in another two weeks, you won’t have yourperiod or will see light spotting. this has been a regular, two week cycle. it could be result of a hormonal imbalance.pcos comes to mind.

menstrual cycle, p what? pcos is polycystic ovarian syndrome. cystson the ovaries prevent the body from having normal cycles. or too many.

stress throw off your menstrual cycle, thoughyou’re more likely not to have a period than two too many. someone told me that diet and exercise canthrow it off. when your body changes dramatically, you couldhave periods come closer together or delayed, but this is an extreme case. someone said i might be in menopause. when someone is approaching menopause, theirovaries are shutting down. you’ll see cycles without ovulation, multiple eggs releasedthe next, going weeks without a period or periods only two weeks apart.

i’m not that old. if you just switched to the birth controlpill, you could have a period on your natural cycle before the chemically induced one. i’m using what i’ve been using for ages. if you have cysts or fibroids, you could haveinternal bleeding. because the blood is coming out of the vagina, you might mistake the internalbleeding for a period. it sounds like i need to get checked out bya doctor. abnormal bleeding is always a reason to seea doctor. it’s just an inconvenience.

it could be a sign of ovarian cysts or hormonalproblems. and bleeding that often could leave

menstrual cycle

you anemic. that means pale. it means your iron levels are too low, whileyou are tired and weak. another reason to go to the doctor.

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